Dear Best Friends,
I know I've written so many letters for the three of you in the past. We've been friends for a decade now and I think I've said all the things I want to say to you, personally, through texts and wall posts, and even in paper. This letter would be just like the others--full of mushy thoughts about our friendship or more like sisterhood and our unfailing love for one another.
Remember those mornings when we waited for each other and we'd all be late for school just cause someone woke up a little later than she should? Remember those afternoons we spent just walking around the subdivision, looking for something more fun to do and stalking our crushes 'til the wee hours of the night? Remember those weekends when we had our sleepovers, pictorials, and videos-making?
Remember those code names we attached to everyone at school or at random people we met just because they're cute/ugly/bitchy/a plain nuisance? Remember those times when we'd purposely do things that would irritate those people that we don't like? Remember those contagious laughs about stories we've heard for a thousand times? Remember when our only problem was how we're going to not be suspended or how we're going to graduate with honors?
It seemed like so many years have already gone by. Those petty things we used to argue about and those days when we're all free from worries now seem to be out of reach. It's a little more complicated now and things are a little blurry--the future, our careers, money/family/relationship matters. We all have our own little complicated lives now but I am glad there's this one thing that hasn't change still. Despite all the changes that happened to our lives, good or bad, our friendship remained strong and intact.
This friendship made me realize that no matter how lost I can be, there are still people I can hold on to. This friendship made me realize that no matter how blurry the road to life can be at times, there are still your best friends who would never let you travel alone. This friendship made me realize that there are people that will accept and understand you no matter what you did and that these people are the only ones that should matter. This friendship made me realize that there are things, believe it or not, that remain the same even after so many years pass by. Lastly, this friendship made me realize that you can love another person unconditionally and selflessly.
Mia, Celine, and Jobeth, you're ones of the few who understood me without me speaking. You're the ones who saw me when I can't even fathom how lost I am. You're the ones who loved me when I was pushing everybody away. My love for you won't be matched by your future husbands, like seriously. Cheers to a lifetime of friendship and sisterhood! :)
P.S. I hope our kids and future kids would be the best of friends, too.
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